The purpose of Journaling has always been a form of writing to self examine and/or reflect on an individual's life experiences. It is even used in psychotherapy sessions with patients by psychologists to uncover underlying issues that affects the mental health of an individual. For our purposes I will be using journaling to develop a life empowerment skill with you. Did you know that Journaling was used by The Ancients Teachers at the Library of Alexandria, Egypt to strenghten your mind and increase your brain power? Even religious faiths into the modern era uses it as a method to help you increase your knowledge, and reinforce the principles of one's spiritual system to enhance your brain recollection activity for daily spiritual practices.
Strengthening your soul to be entrenched in your faith so that you can effectively use the principles and practices to give you stamina to withstand negativity is a long standing objective of Sacred Spiritual Journaling. Establishing this skill is more than a spiritual exercise. It proves to be a life skill that can enhance all areas of your life from your career to personal intimate life.
Empowering your body requires that your spirit or body energy be empowered first. Your character, your courage, your essence, your energetic heart, your morale, your resolve, your temperament, and your will must all be in balance. Inner Spirit Journaling, #ISJ, helps you to develop and establish a spiritual connection that gives you enthusiasm and life purpose. As your daily practice develops over time you will begin to notice that your extra sensory perceptions is enhanced. ISJ, Inner Spirit Journaling assists you to enhance your inner knowing connection so you can be alert of your surroundings with a heightened cognition.
ISJ, Inner Spirit Journaling, is a required component of the Mindfulness Consulting Sessions I offer. In order to see successful results to enhance your extra sensory perception you must be committed and disciplined in performing this on a daily basis at a specific time even while traveling for work and/or vacation.
Do not hesitate any longer to learn this ancient technique to protect your mind, body, spirit and soul. We are living in challenging times. Life Depleters and naysayers surround you at every turn. Do not be caught off guard. Your mind must be trained to be ready and prepared to deal with all circumstances. Renew and Reinvent yourself by acquiring this life skill today. Waiting on the sideline is over. Do not be left behind, drained and depleted. You determine your destiny. Your action today determines your survival tomorrow. Act Now!
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